Prayer and the Prophetic Word


01-31-20 Prayer
Father God thank you for these faithful believers. We thank you for always showing up and showing out. Lord, we thank you for being away
maker and a problem solver. Heavenly Father touch us today as we walk through this land. Help us to see moments to worship you and to share your word. Help us to continue even when it seems like we should give up. It helps to wait for the prompting of your spirit before we move. Oh God saturate us Lord with your spirit till we want no more. Go before us God and make the way safe. Bind up the works of the adversary and give no room for the devil to succeed as it relates to our children. Lord, we thank you for we know without a shadow of a doubt that in the end, we win. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for the peace of the United States and Lord for all of those who do not know you we ask that you would send your workmanship in their paths so that they will have an opportunity to know you for themselves in Jesus’ Name, Amen. Be Blessed, Prophet/pastor Judy and Karl Pickens

Hello body of Christ I greet you in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. As I sit here listening and meditating on God and His people. I feel in my spirit that we must realize that we are in the fight of our lives. Hear me well it’s a fixed fight. Children of God the battle was fought and the victory, your victory, my victory was won on the cross. You have got to make this thing personal. Stop allowing the enemy who lies to you and about you cripple your faith. You are more than a conquer in Christ Jesus.

During this season move in the spirit of expectation. Walk in the knowledge that it is already done. Take authority over everything and everyone God has assigned you, dare to hold your ground in Jesus name. We are a Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood and heir to the throne. Bottom line we don’t have time to entertain any foolishness. This is the moment in time when we must live intentionally. The Lord is calling us to a soul-detox.

What is a toxin, its anything that contains poisonous material capable of causing sickness and decay? Let’s put that in spiritual terms, anything or anyone that is blocking, preventing, distracting or thwarting your walk/relationship with God should be considered toxic. Now ask yourself this question what are the toxins or infections you are allowing to build up in your life. I speak of choices and decisions you have made uninformed. Perverted connections that have caused you to miss your level next and has caused you to be bound in soul ties and generational curses.

Believe this if you don’t believe anything else, the worst is over and the best is yet to come. This is the year of coming out, the year of release and celebration. Body of believers this is the set word the Lord has before you. I hear stop putting things off for tomorrow that should and need to be done today. There is much work left for you to do. I keep hearing you can do the work you are more than capable of getting the ministry the Lord has put in you done. Don’t worry about why or how the Lord said He is in control. The Lord is changing your mindset as well as healing your heart. Be careful of who you allow into your inner circle. I hear someone say is now the time to move and the Lord said yes. The move is ordained and the time is now. The Lord has softened hearts towards you and even sent people to assist and guide you. Blended families come up here, you are wondering about going to the next level in your relationship and I heard not yet. I see the Lord drying up someone’s tears and bringing a moment of relief. This person knows the things of God but has felt like God has forgotten about you, almost as if you don’t matter. The devil is a lie, you have been created for more than this. You have been created for kingdom building and you need to remember, everything that God created is good and very good.

Get up my brother for you are a man of destiny who happens to be a kingdom dweller. Rise up my sister for you are a daughter of promise and a keeper of our tomorrow, of our next generation and future inheritance.

I hear the Lord say your next move is attached to forgiveness. Your mind has been burdened down and your heart has been caught in the in-between place. I hear you have been struggling within yourself as it relates to your ability to provide. Your confidence has been under attack in regards to your job. I hear what is impossible with man is possible with God. Opposition always comes with opportunity and there is no weapon formed against you that shall prosper. I see you standing at the door waiting on the lord to show you His hand. I hear shut your mouth and let Him work it out. You keep saying nobody is listening and nobody cares but I hear, God is listening and He does care. You are wondering should you apply for advancement I hear the Spirit of the Lord say yes you should go after that job the door open and breakthrough and favor is on the horizon. I see a major purchase; this looks like a car. I see change coming in a mighty way were your children are concerned. I see the prodigal returning back home. I see the lost being found. All the things that the enemy thought he stole I see God restoring in Jesus’ name. The prayers of the believers are being answered. You’re going to begin seeing your seed prosper. I hear God say He has already told you what to do and how to do it. I see some hesitant about giving someone some money moves ahead and give them the money God will provide if it’s not enough for your need then it must be your seed. Sow the seed and see an overflow and I won’t take it back. This is a season of blessings in Jesus’ name amen. Prophet/Pastor Judy and Karl Pickens

Judy Pickens Speaks of Conviction And Two Life Sentences


Judy Pickens Convicted And Sentenced To Two Life Sentences Speaks Of Injustice

Thursday, February 13, 2020, and Friday, February 14, 2020 – from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 am (EDT)

Call-In Number (657) 383-1630

Hello everyone, I am Leonna Abraham Brandao, Host for Blog Talk Radio/ Shedding Light. We were scheduled last week to have on with us, Judy Pickens, although due to scheduling issues, Judy could not make it. However, Judy is on with us today and she will have an opportunity to tell her story. Judy Pickens is an incarcerated female who, like many individuals wrongfully convicted, Entered the system at the age of 38 years, and she has thus far served 14 years of her life sentence. We know there is a large population of incarcerated men and women, who never get to tell their sides to the one-sided stories, the media in most cases, tends to ignore. We are also aware that there are Mass Incarcerations in the United States in comparison to other countries that do not have life/LWOP sentences. Mass Incarcerations in the United States, in many cases, is subsequent to guilty verdicts handed down, in spite of the lack of substantial evidence in cases, tampering of evidence, false witnesses and even in some cases, prosecutors, lawyers, and judges.

My Philosophy is that everyone deserves to be heard and that there are always two-sides, sometimes three sides to every story. Therefore, for the next couple of days, we are going to have Judy talk about the nightmare and injustice, that led to her life in prison. Let’s welcome Judy Pickens.


Part Two – Judy Pickens Talks of Her Wrongful Conviction and Life Sentences
Friday, February 14, 2020 – from 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 am (EDT)

Call-In Number (657) 383-1630

Hello everyone, I am Leonna Abraham Brandao, Host for Blog Talk Radio/ Shedding Light. Judy Pickens is back on with us today in a Part-Two series to tell the rest of her story. Again, Judy Pickens is an incarcerated female who, whom like many individuals wrongfully convicted, Entered the system at the age of 38 years, and she has thus far served 14 years of her life sentence. We know there is a large population of incarcerated men and women, who never get to tell their sides to the one-sided stories, the media in most cases, tends to ignore. We are also aware that there are Mass Incarcerations in the United States in comparison to other countries that do not have life/LWOP sentences. Mass Incarcerations in the United States, in many cases, is subsequent to guilty verdicts handed down, in spite of the lack of substantial evidence in cases, tampering of evidence, false witnesses and even in some cases, prosecutors, lawyers, and judges.

My Philosophy is that everyone deserves to be heard and that there are always two-sides, sometimes three sides to every story. Therefore, for the next couple of days, we are going to have Judy talk about the nightmare and injustice, that led to her life in prison. Let’s welcome once again, Judy Pickens.


Good morning to each and every one. I have been sitting here wondering whether or not to write this and then I realized I had no other choice but to write this word and send it. First I want to ask every follower to pray for Felecia A. Moore. She has been a lifeline to me and to my family. She with the prompting of God designed and has been maintaining this website along with the help of my sister and husband. Felecia has been I’ll and dealing with a lot of medical issues. Despite all of that she has continued to assist me in my fight for my freedom. I could never repay here but I can tell often along with my sister and husband how very special they all are. When you all are praying and calling out you request to the Lord call out Felecia A. Moore’s name she recently had major surgery and even laying in the hospital still was working on the website. Pray body of believers that the Lord God will relieve her, raise her up and set her free from the yoke of bondage in Jesus name.

The word for the week-3-25-20

The word of the Lord is simple, God is calling the world back to Him. I keep hearing the world needs to repent and return back to their first love, Jesus Christ. I hear the Lord saying in your weakness He is made strong. Watch the hand of God moving over the nation, over the world. I hear the Holy spirit saying the season we are in is not over yet. Know this God is calling for the body of Christ to pray, I 2 Chronicles 7:14, the said we must humble ourselves, pray and seek His face, turn from their wicked/evil was, then He will hear from Heaven and He will heal our land. God spoke a word on last you that He was going to move in our nation, He said something was coming in the NYSE unlike we have ever seen before. He was moving in the government that was at that time not related to the impeachment of the President. There is about to be a major shift in the spirit. I hear a great release is coming and many people who have been bound in one form or another being set free. I see the Holy Spirit moving in the legal system in such a way that their corruption will be exposed. I see families coming back together. I heard the Holy Spirit say offenses build fences. I keep heat offense has caused many people to back and pull away from family, from the church and in some cases from life. The fence you built can also be torn down with forgiveness and the love of God. release people who you have hurt and who have hurt you. pickup the phone and show the love, I hear the moment you forgive I heard the Holy Spirit say your breakthrough will come. unforgiveness is like cancer it will spread if you don’t deal with it. Fear belongs to the devil, know this God is with you and He will deliver his people. The scripture I hear is Deuteronomy 31:8 and Romans 8:26. Turn back to God and see His hand move in your favor in Jesus name. Prophet/Pastor Judy and Karl Pickens